Third Face to Face meeting: Genoa, Italy: 8-9 May 2018

Dear Colleagues

Late last week Karen and I considered the poll and at that time Genoa was 1
vote ahead so we decided to take that as the final choice.  The dates are
8-9 May.

We have confirmed arrangements with Riccardo and so now is the time for you
to book travel and accommodation.  Details of the venue are given below.

The meeting needs to maximise the opportunity for the Australians to join
in, and so we need to be prepared to start early.  Riccardo thinks that we
can get an 08:00 start, and I would appreciate it if colleagues took that
into account when organising their accommodation.

The other element that will maximise the time for interaction as a full
group is if we have food breaks without leaving the area of the meeting
room.  Riccardo has found that we can get mid-morning and mid-afternoon
food together with lunches for the 2 days provided for just under 65 Euros
per person.  Please can you let me know if you are agreeable to this

So, to recap:

   - The meeting is in Genoa - 8-9 May. Get travel and accommodation sorted
   - We will start early - 08:00
   - We want to run through - are you happy to get food provided for c. 65
   Euros? Let Peter know.

Kind regards


*The Venue:*
Colombo Hall, 11th floor,
Istituto per la Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "Enrico
Magenes" (IMATI)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Via de Marini,6
<,6&entry=gmail&source=g> (Torre di
16149 Genoa, Italy

You can find *more info* about how to get at CNR-IMATI at the link

Or on *Google map*,+6,+16149+

Received on Monday, 9 April 2018 15:11:45 UTC