[Minutes] 2017 06 12

The minutes of today's meeting are at 
https://www.w3.org/2017/06/12-dxwg-minutes with a text snapshot below.

Thanks to Antoine for scribing.

              Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference

12 June 2017

    [2]Agenda [3]IRC log

       [2] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.06.12
       [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/06/12-dxwg-irc


           achille_zappa, alejandra, AndreaPerego, annette_g,
           antoine, Caroline_, chile, colleen, DavidBrowning,
           fanieli, Jaroslav_Pullmann, jrvosse, kcoyle, LarsG,
           mbruemmer, nandana, newton, phila, PWinstanley,
           RiccardoAlbertoni, Rob Atkinson, Thomas

           Makx, Ruben




      * [4]Meeting Minutes
          1. [5]approve last week's minutes
          2. [6]Management
          3. [7]Use Cases
      * [8]Summary of Resolutions

Meeting Minutes

approve last week's minutes

    Karen: any objections?

    <Thomas> no objections here

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> no

    <roba> +1

    Resolved: approved last week minutes

    <phila> [NOTUC]


    Karen: I've sent an email about sub-groups
    … are there any questions?
    … specialy about the public face of groups?
    … W3C requires our work to be visible.

    [No reaction]

    Karen: we'll set up a mechanism for sub-groups to report
    … in the meanwhile if you have something you want to discuss to
    the main group, send an email to the main group, or put
    yourself on the agenda.
    … with an idea of how much time you might need.

    Karen's mail: [9]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/


    <roba> email doesnt change agenda :-)

    Karen: if we discuss DCAT we are going to discuss AP probably
    … so it would make sense to discuss these two deliverables
    since the beginning.
    … is there anyone who would take responsibility for AP?

    roba: I'm interested in the architecture aspects
    … DCAT as a use case for the patterns.


    phila: which deliverable?

    <phila> [10]Guidance

      [10] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/charter#profile

    karen: the guidance one.

    phila: it's about the definition of what is meant by AP, and
    how to share them.
    … if you want to publish an AP of everything, here's what you
    should do.
    … it's the least technical of the three

    karen: would it contain things that complete DCAT?

    phila: charter says that we will not create AP.

    phila: in terms of DCAT work, it's about deciding what is in
    DCAT and what is in an AP.
    … the doc may refer to examples of APs published by members of
    the group.

    roba: I agree with the scope in the charter
    … not sure conneg of AP and doc can be divorced

    <phila> The WG is free to merge those 2 docs if it feels it
    makes sense to do so

    roba: versioning may not go into the core

    <AndreaPerego> I'd rather consider them modules/extensions,
    rather than profiles.

    phila: if the WG decided that the two docs are merged, it's ok.

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> yes will try

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> yes plesase

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> I'll try to fix the audio

    <phila> antoine: I may be interested in helping but it depends
    on the timing?

    <Zakim> LarsG, you wanted to talk about profile in the context
    of conneg

    <phila> FPWD is due Q1 2018

    karen: no timing for the start but we know when it needs to be

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1

    karen: what is important is to have someone taking care of
    noting the principles

    LarsG: +1 for not divorcing
    … we need to have a definition in order to start the work on

    karen: are you taking care?

    LarsG: ruben and myself

    karen: sounds good

    AndreaPerego: I agree we need to agree on what we mean by AP
    … DCAT could provide a means for versioning and some other
    extensions could exist

    annette_g: I am interested in working on AP
    … is the implementation meant to be for browser developer or
    publishers of data?

    <alejandra> +1 kcoyle

    karen: publishers of data I think

    Jaroslav_Pullmann: need to understand what an AP is
    … to me so far an AP was a sort of extension.

    roba: hopefuly AP define content rules
    … what to be in data
    … and it's not only about publishing
    … schema is one aspect, content is another

    <Zakim> LarsG, you wanted to answer annette_g 's question about

    roba: we shouldn't make a decision about the scope too early
    … we need to look at the use cases

    LarsG: what ODRL do is rather a profile, not a schema. [??]
    … to answer the quesiton on publishers vs browsers. It's not so
    much for browsers

    <phila> antoine: It may not only be be for browsers,

    <phila> ... I'm a little puzzled when Jaroslav says profiles
    aren't extensions - I think that's what they are

    <Zakim> phila, you wanted to check folks here

    phila: we need to be careful about the word 'browser'
    … we should use 'client' or 'user agent'.
    … clients requesting info from a server.
    … we should be disciplined
    … about this

    <chile> sure

    <chile> Markus Freudenberg

    AndreaPerego: in DCAT-AP we wanted to provide guidance on how
    to use DCAT.
    … identify the classes and properties that are mandatory
    optional etc.
    … done by involving parties, asking how they are using DCAT and
    what is missing.
    … for ensuring interoperability
    … to be sure we include a minimal set of metadata elements for
    sharing and discovery
    … we need to consider the practical purpose of what an AP is

    Jaroslav_Pullmann: there was a misunderstanding about
    … my point is that there's more than this
    … e.g. ODRL profiles

    <roba> schema qualifiers (cardinality and allowed sub types),
    extensions and content bindings/rules all seem to be necessary
    to achieve interoperability

    Jaroslav_Pullmann: [gives examples of potential candidates for

    <Luiz_Bonino_DTL> Can profiles also be used to validate
    metadata entries in registries during submission?

    Jaroslav_Pullmann: we should have a shared understanding of

    <Zakim> phila, you wanted to talk about additional docs

    <phila> A use case and requirement document

    <phila> A test suite for content negotiation by application

    <phila> A primer (subject to the WG’s capacity)

    <phila> Subject to its capacity, the working group may choose
    to develop additional relevant vocabularies in response to
    community demand.

    Jaroslav_Pullmann I got you now!

    Jaroslav_Pullmann sorry for the misunderstanding

    phila: we're going to need to prove that we have people ready
    to publish and consume APs
    … if we are to develop APs.
    … We can create a Primer distinct from the DCAT spec
    … If someone wants to create an AP, this can be done in a
    community group

    Jaroslav_Pullmann: is somebody tracking the development of all

    karen: as far as I know, no. We could have a task in the WG

    <phila> antoine: The LOV tool may be useful

    <phila> ... It shows vocabs being used and many of these cases
    are in fact profiles

    <Zakim> LarsG, you wanted to talk about LOV and profiles

    LarsG: I'm surprised

    <phila> antoine: Extensions may be mini vocabs, hints etc

    <phila> LarsG: Then maybe we could do some work on LOD stats

    LarsG: maybe LODstats

    karen: I'll post an email about interesting things I have
    learnt based on Stats

    karen: development of profile shows how we can connect things
    … it's going to be difficult to have the discussion at a

Use Cases

    <Thomas> Sorry; have to leave now (interesting discussion
    though). See/hear you later. I'll check the meetings later this

    karen: it would be great if people with ideas could post them
    on the list

    karen: we should get requirements from our use cases
    … I believe our set is not complete yet

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 to decide requirements without thinking
    to much about the deliverables divisions

    karen: I've put 3 fairly concrete cases on agenda

    karen: first case: ID6 - DCAT Distribution to describe web

    <alejandra> [11]https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/


    karen: [reads case]

    <phila> phila has changed the topic to: Dataset Exchange Weekly

    phila: this UC came at the workshop.

    <phila> [12]Open APIs

      [12] https://www.openapis.org/

    phila: it doesn't talk about API
    … Open APIs is the way people talk about APIs
    … Web Services apply to anything now, but it used to have a
    specific tech definition
    … we should be disciplined about using it when we mean 'API'
    … this UC is about API
    … this UC is something we have to address

    <alejandra> +1 to phila

    karen: the editors could make the change

    roba: agree

    <annette_g> +1 to phila

    <jrvosse> +1 to phila

    roba: other aspect: generally speaking, you need to answer the
    structure of a dataset
    … it overlaps with other UCs
    … experiments using void and datacube suggest that reuse of
    vocabularies is indicated

    <alejandra> This use case seems to be a duplicate (or at least
    it overlaps) with: [13]https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/


    <AndreaPerego> This is what I reported to the mailing list:


    <alejandra> Yes, AndreaPerego - I was going to mention that now

    roba: we can't put much in DCAT core about the description of

    <LarsG> +1 to roba

    @roba: have I captured right what you meant?

    chile: we should have a specific look at the class Distribution
    … there are 2-3 properties that are relevant, we could increase

    karen: can you create new UC or add info to this one?

    AndreaPerego: there are several UC that cover the same topic
    … we should look at whether they can be merged.
    … people expect to find data at the Distribution URL but they
    find an API
    … they can't do anything about this
    … We split the requirements in separate issues
    … we realized we need a way to say that a Distribution is not
    linked to a download, but to an API
    … and we need to describe the info about the parameters of the
    … some of this could be included in DCAT
    … it used to have things about this, which were dropped when it
    became a standard
    … This is an issue for user agents not only for humans
    … DCAT core could have some of it, while details about APIs
    could end in an AP

    karen: could you add this to the UCs?

    AndreaPerego: they are there

    <phila> [15]5 April 2012 version of DCAT included

      [15] https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-vocab-dcat-20120405/

    AndreaPerego: but I can seek integration

    <roba> ID7, ID18, ID21, ID22 at least in part

    fanieli: we need relation between UCs
    … can we also be more specific when we talk about 'users'?

    karen: good point

    karen: data consumers could also be a program

    fanieli: about the template people could add more information

    <alejandra> +1 fanieli

    karen: can you post this request on the list?

    fanieli: ok!

    <LarsG> s/karn/karen/

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> sorry my audio has died

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> I'll try later on

    <Zakim> LarsG, you wanted to ask if relation between DCAT and
    VoID is in scope

    LarsG: relation between DCAT and VoID?
    … especially wrt what is a dataset in the two
    … is it in scope?

    phila: yes

    <chile> we should also make clear the relation to concepts of
    DataCube/Prov-O and others

    <roba> +1 key guidance issue - stop people getting confused
    .e.g thinking they need to choose ...

    Jaroslav: I agree with Andrea
    … this is the same meta UC we had with tagging
    … suggestion for editors: have a generic UC covering dynamic
    aspect to distribution for datasets
    … and then have a more detailed look at how datasets are
    … [gives examples of APIs]
    … and then we could have a profile about the specifics of
    dynamic distribution

    karen: we could have a UC that explains this

    <Zakim> phila, you wanted to make a suggestion to fanieli

    karen: are we ready to vote on this UC?

    <chile> +1

    karen: even though it may need some revision?

    <roba> can we vote on the Use Case, but asking UC editors to
    propose a generalisation?

    karen: or does it need revision first?
    … I'm going to propose that the group accepts ID6

    PROPOSED: accept ID6

    <AndreaPerego> +1

    <annette_g> +1

    <PWinstanley> +1

    <Luiz_Bonino_DTL> +1

    <LarsG> +1

    <nandana> +1


    <alejandra> +1

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1, rrequires further editing

    <jrvosse> +1

    <DavidBrowning> +1

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1

    <chile> +1

    <achille_zappa> 0

    <mbruemmer> +1

    <Caroline_> +1

    <phila> +1 modulo re-wording to avoid term 'web servce'

    <alejandra> I agree it requires editing and merging, but it is
    important as a use case

    <alejandra> +1 phila

    roba: we all agree we want that scope
    … but the proposal should be that the content is in scope, but
    we ask a generalization

    karen: see comments on votes
    … this is a vote on the concept not exact words

    <phila> PROPOSED: That the concepts expressed in ID6 are
    included in the UCR as seen fit by the editors

    I think the comment was for a gneeralization

    <roba> +1

    <phila> +1

    <annette_g> PROPOSED: That the concepts expressed in ID6 are
    included in the UCR with minor editing by the editors

    karen: we can discuss the revision on the list


    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1

    <annette_g> -1

    <annette_g> -1

    <chile> +1

    <annette_g> okay, going to type instead

    <phila> [16]Oxford F2F


    <roba> Can we just make sure that we discuss wording of
    proposal _before_ voting - saves time in the end i think

    <roba> (in general - not this one)

    <annette_g> If you look at Phil's proposal without knowing what
    was said, it reads as "the editors can choose whether to use
    that use case or noe"

    karen: it seems we have to do it on the list now
    … which will help take into account the other comments made

    roba: we shoudl take into account discussion
    … I didn't hear a call for discussion

    <AndreaPerego> Sorry, I have to leave. Byer

    Resolved: That the concepts expressed in ID6 are included in
    the UCR with minor editing by the editors

    <AndreaPerego> s-Byer-Bye-

    <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1

    karen: what we have voted on is that we agree that this is a
    requirement but that the UC needs to be written in terms of
    APIs not Web Services and pull info from other UCs

    <annette_g> I agree with that

    <roba> +1

Summary of Resolutions

     1. [17]approved last week minutes
     2. [18]That the concepts expressed in ID6 are included in the
        UCR with minor editing by the editors

Received on Monday, 12 June 2017 15:18:03 UTC