Re: Organizing/prioritizing requirements


Perhaps the "negotiation by profiles" team (and I am happy to put my hand
up for this) can identify which requirements affect negotiation - this is
probably quite minimal - maybe just a definition of profile, some
descriptions and use of HTTP identifiers,

The other filter is which requirements require a capability (new class or
property, or new definition) in core DCAT vs for example, use of an
externally defined property with existing DCAT classes. I guess as guidance
is being developed the case for a DCAT change may emerge.

Prioritising the metadata needed for profile definition and negotiation is
necessary - but perhaps everyone could just go and distribute say 3 votes
initially , we process the highest voted ones,  then repeat that process ?


On Fri, 1 Sep 2017 at 01:48 Karen Coyle <> wrote:

> All,
> We have a very important task on our agenda now, which is to determine
> the requirements for the three deliverables. This is also quite a
> complex task. Although this is directly a task for the UCR group, it
> needs the attention of the entire working group.
> Ideally, at this point we would be able to gather together in room with
> Post-It(tm) notes (and a lot of coffee) and we could organize the
> requirements around concepts and deliverables as a group activity. As
> our next face-to-face is much too far away, we need to find a way to do
> this work virtually.
> Some possible organizing principles are:
> - which requirements are for which deliverables? (Yes, some requirements
> may be valid for more than one deliverable.)
> - what are the logical categories that requirements fall into within
> each deliverable?
> - what is the priority for each requirement? (e.g. absolutely required;
> required if possible; nice to have but not required)
> Following are some examples from previous working groups that the team
> is aware of. If you know of others please reply with them.
> - (DWBP challenges)
> - (DWBP requirements)
> - (SHACL requirements)
> Please give some time to this and share an ideas with the group.
> kc for the team
> --
> Karen Coyle
> m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600 <+1%20510-984-3600>

Received on Thursday, 31 August 2017 21:20:34 UTC