Organizing/prioritizing requirements


We have a very important task on our agenda now, which is to determine
the requirements for the three deliverables. This is also quite a
complex task. Although this is directly a task for the UCR group, it
needs the attention of the entire working group.

Ideally, at this point we would be able to gather together in room with
Post-It(tm) notes (and a lot of coffee) and we could organize the
requirements around concepts and deliverables as a group activity. As
our next face-to-face is much too far away, we need to find a way to do
this work virtually.

Some possible organizing principles are:

- which requirements are for which deliverables? (Yes, some requirements
may be valid for more than one deliverable.)
- what are the logical categories that requirements fall into within
each deliverable?
- what is the priority for each requirement? (e.g. absolutely required;
required if possible; nice to have but not required)

Following are some examples from previous working groups that the team
is aware of. If you know of others please reply with them.

- (DWBP challenges)
- (DWBP requirements)
- (SHACL requirements)

Please give some time to this and share an ideas with the group.

kc for the team
Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Thursday, 31 August 2017 15:48:36 UTC