Updates to UC48

Here are the description and requirements sections, as I have modified
them after our discussion today. Only paragraph 2 of the description

Problem statement[edit]
Project X has decided to make its datasets available as open access,
downloadable. They do not know who will find the datasets useful but
assume that some potential users are outside of Project X's immediate
community. They need a way to describe their metadata and its usage such
that anyone can work with the datasets, and they hope to do this with a
profile that is machine-readable, human-understandable, and that defines
the criteria for valid data.

Project X has some datasets that have a separate validation process, for
example XML datasets with XML schemas. For some other datasets, there is
no validation code. For those datasets, the profile will need to
suffice. Also, because Project X cannot know the identity of all of the
users of its data much less their technical capabilities, they cannot
assume that the users can make use of available validation code. For
this reason, the each profile needs to be usable both with and without
the validation code that the project can provide.

- The profile should clarify any relationship between profiles and
available validation documents or code
- The profile must be usable with or without validation documents or code
- The profile should substitute for coded validation (e.g. ShEx, SHACL)
where the latter does not exist or may not be usable by all recipients
Karen Coyle
kcoyle@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Monday, 28 August 2017 15:18:37 UTC