Re: Updates to DUV document

Dear Eric,

I'm sorry to be a pain, but there's still an issue.

As it was shown in the erratum / corrige included in my original mail 
[1], symbols < and > needed to be replaced with double quotes (it was 
not the extra space to be the problem). Now the double quotes have been 
added, but < and > have not been removed.


dct:identifier "<>"^^xsd:anyURI;


dct:identifier ""^^xsd:anyURI;



On 30/11/2016 5:09, Eric Stephan wrote:
> I've made updates to the Data Usage Vocabulary but kept a copy on my own
> fork:
> . I think this fixes all the
> problems previously noted.
> Let me know if this is acceptable.
> Cheers,
> Eric S

Andrea Perego, Ph.D.
Scientific / Technical Project Officer
European Commission DG JRC
Directorate B - Growth and Innovation
Unit B6 - Digital Economy
Via E. Fermi, 2749 - TP 262
21027 Ispra VA, Italy

The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may
not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official
position of the European Commission.

Received on Monday, 5 December 2016 15:23:03 UTC