Re: locale parameters suggestions

Hi Annette,

Yes, I agree that its gonna be complicated to add a new BP. But, I checked
the data formats BP and I'm not sure if we can fit the locale-neutral
formats ideas into the existing ones [1] and [2]. What do you think? Do you
see a data format BP that is suitable for this?

Another option would be to include a paragraph about locale-neutral formats
in the introduction of Section 8.8 Data formats [3].



2016-08-10 18:51 GMT+02:00 Annette Greiner <>:

> I agree that it really ought to be its own new best practice, but it seems
> that we are past the point where we can add new ones. If we can, I would
> support adding a new one in the formats section. If we need to fit it into
> an existing BP, and you think it could work in with an existing formats BP,
> maybe you could give it a try and see how well you like it? It seems
> reasonable to me.
> -Annette
> On 8/10/16 8:48 AM, Bernadette Farias Lóscio wrote:
> Hi Annette,
> Thanks for your answer! Please see more comments below.
> 2016-08-10 0:01 GMT+02:00 Annette Greiner <>:
>> Hi Berna,
>> Good questions!
>> I think metadata about locale parameters is something different from
>> locale-neutral representations. We could add a comma between them (after
>> the closing parenthesis) to make that more clear. Or we could change
>> "metadata about locale parameters" to "locale parameter metadata".
> I agree!  and I like the last proposal: use locale parameter metadata.
>> I think the publisher has to do two different things, because the two are
>> different. They have to check the metadata and see that locale parameters
>> are there, and they also have to look at the data itself to see that
>> locale-sensitive fields are represented in a locale-neutral format. Does
>> that make sense?
> Yes, it makes sense for me and I agree with you. However, I'm not
> convinced that BP 3 is the place to talk about locale-neutral formats. IMO
> BP3 should be about metadata rather than data. I think talking about
> locale-neutral formats in BP3 may be confusing. Besides the test involves
> checking the data rather than the metadata.
> Maybe, locale-neutral formats should be discussed at Section 8.8 Data
> Formats [1]. In this case, maybe we should add a new BP "Internationalize
> your data using locale-neutral formats". I don't like the idea of creating
> a new BP, but I'm afraid that this is a better solution. What do you think
> about this?
> Thanks again!
> Berna
> [1]
>> -Annette
>> On 8/9/16 8:58 AM, Bernadette Farias Lóscio wrote:
>> Hi Annette,
>> Thanks a lot for your suggestion! I'd like to make just few questions:
>> 1. When you say "Internationalize your data with metadata about locale
>> parameters (date, time and number formats, language) and locale-neutral
>> representations." it means that metadata are about locale parameters and
>> locale-neutral representations? I understand that metadata is just about
>> locale parameters. Is that correct? Could we say: "and use locale-neutral
>> data representations."?
>> 2. In the 'How to test section' of BP3 [1] we have three tests: the first
>> two ones concern the use of locale parameters metadata and the third one is
>> about the use of locale-neutral representations. My question is: the
>> publisher have to do both things, i.e. to give metadata about locale
>> parameters and use local-neutral representations, at the same time?
>> cheers,
>> Berna
>> [1]
>> 2016-08-06 1:28 GMT+02:00 Annette Greiner <>:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Here is a suggestion of the text for BP 3, if we were to try and add in
>>> the information about locale-neutral formats. Besides changing the title
>>> and subtitle, I changed the very beginning of the Why paragraph to use the
>>> word "information" instead of "parameters". I removed the phrase suggesting
>>> that people use CLDR to localize data, as that goes against the idea of
>>> being locale neutral. I added a new paragraph just before EXAMPLE 3. I also
>>> added a locale-neutral bit to the example and a test for locale neutrality.
>>> This version also has the commit for the language tags.
>>> You can see the result at
>>> --
>>> Annette Greiner
>>> NERSC Data and Analytics Services
>>> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
>> --
>> Bernadette Farias Lóscio
>> Centro de Informática
>> Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ----------------
>> --
>> Annette Greiner
>> NERSC Data and Analytics Services
>> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
> --
> Bernadette Farias Lóscio
> Centro de Informática
> Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
> --
> Annette Greiner
> NERSC Data and Analytics Services
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 17:19:07 UTC