Freezing the Best Practices text this week

Hello all!  (Especially Best Practices editors and contributors)

I hope you're having a good week!

We chairs have just met (as we do, on Wednesdays) and looked at the
calendar...  For the BP doc to be resolved in time, we need to freeze the
text [1] on Friday for working group review.

(I feel like that needs big dramatic music and some capital letters...
FREEZE THE TEXT ON FRIDAY!! It's a big thing.)

To make this happen, we need to resolve ALL issues [2] (apart from the ones
that we agreed in last week's meeting would ask the community for
input)[3].  So it would be great if we could make that happen over the next
48 hours.

I'll send out an agenda tomorrow, but this week's working group call will
mostly be checking in on the vocals and clearing away actions, so we need
to get as much done as we can on the mailing list.

Things to remember, editors:
1.  We do have to get the working group to vote to publish the doc (next
Friday, after spending this week reviewing it).  So resolving outstanding
issues with members of the group should be helpful for that.
2.  You are holding the pen.  If there's something you're not sure about,
and the group hasn't discussed it — go ahead and decide!  If it causes any
trouble, it will come up in our review.

I know it's a lot to cover in a short period of time, but we're so close!
The chairs are here; do let us know if we can help.




[3] We're having a little issue with last Friday's minutes.  Because
they're not posted yet, I'll paste  the relevant sections here:

RESOLVED: we keep the section in, keep the 3 BPs in, make the title "Data
Reuse/Data usage", create a specific issue and ask for feedback on it.

deirdrelee: Final issue on the Preservation section — we didn't have a
vote, but I hope everyone is okay with adding an issue on that and asking
for external comments.

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2016 13:03:57 UTC