RE: Call for comments on open questions about the audience for the DWBP doc

Q1: What is the real audience for the DWBP document?

Everyone with the patience to read it.

Best Regards,


Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"

| From:      |
  |"Makx Dekkers" <>                                                                                                             |
| To:        |
  |"'Bernadette Farias Lóscio'" <>, <>                                                                           |
| Date:      |
  |12/19/2014 05:48 AM                                                                                                                               |
| Subject:   |
  |RE: Call for comments on open questions about the audience for the DWBP doc                                                                       |

Q1: What is the real audience for the DWBP document?

Q2: What will be the target audience for the BP? Data publishers or Data
Publishers and Data Consumers?

Data publishers. I am with Annette that these two audiences MUST be the

Q3: Should we talk about data consumers in general or just about

One question that I ask myself is: what do we mean by developer? Do we
think about a technical developer, of apps or more generally of software,
or does the term include business people who are involved in designing and
developing products or services?

To me, we are talking about a person or an organisation that consumes the
data that is made available to re-use it for some business goal or social
objective. In other environments, the term “re-user” is often used, to
distinguish the end-user who just looks at the data from the intermediary
who takes data from the publisher and delivers it in some value-added form
to the end user.

Both the technical and the ‘business’ re-user will benefit from best
practice in data publication. For example, the technical developer benefits
from re-usable formats, while the business developer benefits from clear
licensing arrangements .

So I would say that we consider developers in both categories, technical
and business, and we don’t consider end users. Otherwise we would also need
to talk about good user interface design, WCAG etc. However, as I said
before, I don’t think we should try to write best practice for re-users –
they will benefit from the good practice applied by data publishers.

Q4: What is the role of a data consumer?

A data consumer is either a re-user or an end user.


From: Bernadette Farias Lóscio []
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 11:21 PM
Subject: Call for comments on open questions about the audience for the
DWBP doc

Hi all,

This week we had a great discussion about the audience for the DWBP
document. However, we still have some open questions:

1. The Audience

We don't have a consensus about the audience, i.e., if both data publishers
and data consumers are the audience of the document or just data

Maybe, we can't reach consensus because there are two types of audience:

i. The audience for the document itself.

ii. The target "audience" for the BP, i.e., the ones who will execute the

These two types of audience may be different, i.e., the audience of the
document may consist of both data publishers and data consumers, but the
target audience for the BP is composed by data publishers. Even if we're
gonna have just BP for data publishers, the document may be relevant for
people interested on using the data.

Q1: What is the real audience for the DWBP document?

2. The target audience for BP

It is not clear if the document should have BP for data publishers and BP
for data consumers. Until now, the focus of the document is on BP for data
publishers. However, it is important to note that we already have some
requirements concerning data usage [2].

We need to decide if we're gonna have these two types of BP (BP for data
publishers and BP for data consumers) in the DWBP document or the BP for
data consumers will be in another document.

Q2: What will be the target audience for the BP? Data publishers or Data
Publishers and Data Consumers?

3. Data consumer x Developer

The charter uses the term developer instead of data consumer, for example,
the mission of DWBP working group is "to develop the open data ecosystem,
facilitating better communication between developers and publishers;" [1].

It is important to decide if we're gonna consider just developers or if
we're gonna use the term data consumer to denote a broader class of people
interested on using data on the Web. Note that, in this case, data consumer
denotes the ones interested on manipulating the data and not the ones
interested on reading the data.

Q3: Should we talk about data consumers in general or just about

4. The role of the data consumer

We also had some discussions about the role of the data consumer. It is not
clear if the data consumer is the one who manipulates data on the Web to
produce data/information to end users or if the data consumer is the end

Q4: What is the role of a data consumer?

It would be great to have your feedback about these questions. It is
important to reach a consensus about them in order to move on the right
direction on the writing of the DWBP document.

Thanks again for all comments and suggestions!

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Thursday, 8 January 2015 17:16:32 UTC