Re: Use machine-readable standardized data formats / Use non-proprietary data formats

Also, to disambiguate a little, when I say graph data, I don't mean "data shown in a graph". I mean data representing a mathematical graph, as in genome assembly data, or network connection data, a connection matrix.

On Aug 14, 2015, at 7:44 AM, Annette Greiner <> wrote:

> I think they are particular representations of data. If you publish a cool 3D rendering of some data, I think that is enriching it, but the data are the individual observations (vectors or voxels or whatever) used to make the representation. For molecules, I would say that a structured listing of the atoms and their bonds is the data. Otherwise, every visualization is data, which one can certainly argue in the definitional sense, but I think is beyond our scope.
> -Annette
> On Aug 14, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Makx Dekkers <> wrote:
>> Annette,
>> You hit the problems spot on:
>>> I'm trying not to rule out things like graph data.
>>> I think 3D models are out of scope, whether of sculptures or molecules. If
>> the
>>> model is broken down into data, then it is in scope. 
>> To be clear, I wasn't talking about paper and glue 3D models, but about
>> digital representations of objects and phenomena in space. How can you say
>> that is not 'data'?
>> Makx.

Received on Friday, 14 August 2015 14:52:44 UTC