Re: dwbp-ISSUE-94 (Git for data): Dataset versioning and dataset replication [Use Cases & Requirements Document]

Hi all

I think we can address the ISSUE-94.

Hosting datasets on a Git repository can be one (good) way to provide
provenance to track data but this is also true to wiki pages, for
example. (it's not usual, but can be done in specific cases)

I propose that we agree that the working group can not recommend any
tool, althought this do not excludes using the use cases that were
raised at the discussions to raise requirements.

Anyone has any comment?


On 11/13/14 11:49 AM, Augusto Herrmann wrote:
> Hi.
> Another good example of using git for data is the directory of public
> bodies of governments all over the world that OKFn has been curating [1][2].
> I agree with Annette's argument that tools on this field are rapidly
> evolving, and the WG should probably not recommend a particular tool as a
> BP at this pint.
> Also relevant to this discussion is Max Ogden's `dat` tool, which intends
> to be a 'git for data' [3][4]. Looks promising.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Best regards,
> Augusto Herrmann
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Yaso <> wrote:
>> Em 11/11/14, 7:29 PM, Annette Greiner escreveu:
>>>  we need to draw a line between data mangement practices and data
>> publishing practices.
>> Agree!
>> But it's a thin line. We can achieve this (possible) best practices
>> either with a vocab or with a versioning document system (Git, HG even a
>> wiki with yaml). I'm wondering if these items are not data management
>> practices AND publishing practices...
>> track changes in data
>> provide possibility to review the history of changes
>> provide audit trail
>> get access to whichever previous version of data, not only to most
>> recent version
>> Agree about the "get dataset updates more efficiently" being a
>> management practice only. for now, at least :-)
>> yaso
>> --
>> Brazilian Internet Steering Committee -
>> W3C Brazil Office
>> @yaso -
>> 55 11 5509-3537 (4025)
>> skype: yasocordova

Brazilian Internet Steering Committee -
W3C Brazil Office
@yaso -

55 11 5509-3537 (4025)
skype: yasocordova

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 18:48:39 UTC