Actions for all of us — from today's call

Hi all,

We had a very productive meeting today — minutes to follow — but for
simplicity, I've put our group actions together here.

This week, in addition to your own actions, it would be great if you could:

A.  Review the Use Case draft and be ready to vote on transitioning it to
first public working draft (FPWD) in next week's call. [1]

Deirdre and Bernadette are still working on polishing it and adding bits
like the abstract, so be aware that it's not completely final.  But the
content should be stable enough for you to know if you're happy to publish
it or to comment via the mailing list.

(It's probably worth reminding you that FPWD is just a signal to the
community to begin looking at the document.  It does not have to be final
or perfect at this stage. [2] )

B.  Tell the vocabulary editors when you can join a call for the vocabs,
via this Doodle poll.  (If you're interested in the vocabs.)  This will be
a weekly call, covering both vocabularies. [3]

C.  Review the Guidance on the Provision of Metadata page for the Best
Practices document.  Laufer would like you to comment on it, criticise it
or improve it (either on the mailing list or in the wiki itself). [4]

D.  Comment on the email thread on data preservation.  Christophe and Phil
are looking for input. [5]

Thanks a lot for a good week!  Looking forward to speaking soon.




Received on Friday, 23 May 2014 14:12:41 UTC