Suggestion of a new use case

Hi everybody,

I'm reading finally the use cases at Wiki and my perception is most of 
them is about to make available data and because of that I want to 
suggest a use case about data re-use.

The use case I suggest is Radar Parlamentar 
( The web site is in Brazilian 
Portuguese, but I can explain a little: It is an application that 
illustrates the similarities between political parties based on the vote 
data analysis that occurs in the brazilian congress. The similarities 
are presented in a two-dimensional graphics, in which circles represent 
parties or parliamentarians, and the distance between these circles is 
how similar they vote. There is also only a section dedicated to gender 
issues: how many women are in each party over the years, which are the 
themes most handled by each gender and party, etc.

What do you think?


Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício
Assessora Técnica
Secretaria Executiva
Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil -
+55 (11) 5509-3537 r:4072

Received on Friday, 28 March 2014 22:38:05 UTC