Re: Call for comments on open questions about the audience for the DWBP doc

Hello Annette and Makx,

Thanks again for your answers and comments! My comments are inline.

*Q1: What is the real audience for the DWBP document?*
> *Q2: What will be the target audience for the BP? Data publishers or Data
> Publishers and Data Consumers?*
> Data publishers. I am with Annette that these two audiences MUST be the
> same.

I am still not convinced that the DWBP document is not interesting for
re-users (already using the terminology presented by Makx) even if the
scope is just BP for data publishers. If re-users will manipulate the data,
don't you think that it will be good if they have some knowledge about the
best practices used to create and publish the data?

> *Q3: Should we talk about data consumers in general or just about
> developers?*
> One question that I ask myself is: what do we mean by developer? Do we
> think about a technical developer, of apps or more generally of software,
> or does the term include business people who are involved in designing and
> developing products or services?
> To me, we are talking about a person or an organisation that consumes the
> data that is made available to re-use it for some business goal or social
> objective. In other environments, the term “re-user” is often used, to
> distinguish the end-user who just looks at the data from the intermediary
> who takes data from the publisher and delivers it in some value-added form
> to the end user.
> Both the technical and the ‘business’ re-user will benefit from best
> practice in data publication. For example, the technical developer benefits
> from re-usable formats, while the business developer benefits from clear
> licensing arrangements .
> So I would say that we consider developers in both categories, technical
> and business, and we don’t consider end users. Otherwise we would also need
> to talk about good user interface design, WCAG etc. However, as I said
> before, I don’t think we should try to write best practice for re-users –
> they will benefit from the good practice applied by data publishers.

+ 1
I like the idea of having a different terminology to denote different types
of data consumers, i.e., end users and re-users. I also like the definition
for developers"To me, we are talking about a person or an organisation that
consumes the data that is made available to re-use it for some business
goal or social objective."

*Q4: What is the role of a data consumer? *
> A data consumer is either a re-user or an end user.


> Makx.
> *From:* Bernadette Farias Lóscio []
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 18, 2014 11:21 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Call for comments on open questions about the audience for the
> DWBP doc
> Hi all,
> This week we had a great discussion about the audience for the DWBP
> document. However, we still have some open questions:
> 1. The Audience
> We don't have a consensus about the audience, i.e., if both data
> publishers and data consumers are the audience of the document or just data
> publishers.
> Maybe, we can't reach consensus because there are two types of audience:
> i. The audience for the document itself.
> ii. The target "audience" for the BP, i.e., the ones who will execute the
> BP.
> These two types of audience may be different, i.e., the audience of the
> document may consist of both data publishers and data consumers, but the
> target audience for the BP is composed by data publishers. Even if we're
> gonna have just BP for data publishers, the document may be relevant for
> people interested on using the data.
> *Q1: What is the real audience for the DWBP document?*
> 2. The target audience for BP
> It is not clear if the document should have BP for data publishers and BP
> for data consumers. Until now, the focus of the document is on BP for data
> publishers. However, it is important to note that we already have some
> requirements concerning data usage [2].
> We need to decide if we're gonna have these two types of BP (BP for data
> publishers and BP for data consumers) in the DWBP document or the BP for
> data consumers will be in another document.
> *Q2: What will be the target audience for the BP? Data publishers or Data
> Publishers and Data Consumers?*
> 3. Data consumer x Developer
> The charter uses the term developer instead of data consumer, for example,
> the mission of DWBP working group is "to develop the open data ecosystem,
> facilitating better communication between developers and publishers;" [1].
> It is important to decide if we're gonna consider just developers or if
> we're gonna use the term data consumer to denote a broader class of people
> interested on using data on the Web. Note that, in this case, data consumer
> denotes the ones interested on manipulating the data and not the ones
> interested on reading the data.
> *Q3: Should we talk about data consumers in general or just about
> developers?*
> 4. The role of the data consumer
> We also had some discussions about the role of the data consumer. It is
> not clear if the data consumer is the one who manipulates data on the Web
> to produce data/information to end users or if the data consumer is the end
> user.
> *Q4: What is the role of a data consumer? *
> It would be great to have your feedback about these questions. It is
> important to reach a consensus about them in order to move on the right
> direction on the writing of the DWBP document.
> Thanks again for all comments and suggestions!
> Bernadette
> --
> Bernadette Farias Lóscio
> Centro de Informática
> Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Friday, 19 December 2014 12:36:07 UTC