Re: Legal semantics inquiry


> We were discussing the semantics that are used in the
> application of a purpose specification - for example consent for
> genomic medical research, would have a use one, only use at this time
> etc.

i.e. defining constraints for / scoping the purpose to which the given 
consent applies to?

> that there are legal
> semantics that they combined into a label that defines both the
> vocabulary and the semantics.

e.g. :OnlyValidDuringEverySecondWednesdayInSeptemberToDecemberPurpose or 
a description of the "semantics" in NL used as a value of rdfs:comment 
etc. ?

br simon

DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna

www:  twitter: @simonsteys

Am 2020-07-09 04:16, schrieb OCG Info:
> HI All,
> Harsh asked me on the call yesterday to submit a question I hd to the
> list.  We were discussing the semantics that are used in the
> application of a purpose specification - for example consent for
> genomic medical research, would have a use one, only use at this time
> etc.
> Harsh and Georg also reported a meeting with GA4GH, and its clear that
> beyond purpose specification and the vocabulary that there are legal
> semantics that they combined into a label that defines both the
> vocabulary and the semantics.
> Is there anyone working on legal semantics ?
>   A key reason I am asking, is that this is a topic in the Trust over
> IP Decentralised Semantics WG and we will be exploring the data legal
> relationship between vocabulary, ontology and semantics for digital
> ledger consent.
> Does anyone on this list have a reference to any existing work ?   And
> of course is this something that is in scope of discussion at DPV CG ?
> - Kind Regards.
> Mark

Received on Friday, 10 July 2020 07:24:16 UTC