Re: dpvcg-ACTION-125: Advertise at semantics.

Hi Harsh,

> Elmar (CC'd) mentioned in the last meeting call that he would be going to MyData, and has two actions regarding dissemination and advertising.

Thanks, I will indeed go there and advertise, and thanks for the slides, btw!

And congrats on the nice poster! I regret that I missed Semantics this time..

What do you think, would it make sense to bring this poster to myData too?  I think it would work there despite the different target audience..
 → I can ask the organizers, could you provide a high-res version that I could print?

Thanks and congrats on the great job,


> On 13.09.2019, at 19:45, Harshvardhan J. Pandit <> wrote:
> SEMANTiCS 2019 had a few CG members attending (myself, Fajar, Sabrina, Javier), and we had the opportunity to disseminate DPV (thanks to Sabrina for arranging this) via a poster (see attached). The poster was seen by attendees, which included both members from academic community and industry, and had a good response in terms of interest. There was some general feedback regarding its usage and adoption, the actionable items of which have been added to the feedback collection spreadsheet.
> Largely, people found the vocabulary of interest, and quite a few also mentioned they hadn't known about the CG before. The most pressing inquiry was regarding use-cases and examples demonstrating how the DPV can be used, that would at the same time also demonstrate that it is not a single-purpose vocabulary.
> Regards,
> Harsh
> On 03/09/2019 15:18, Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>> dpvcg-ACTION-125: Advertise at semantics.

>> Assigned to: Fajar Ekaputra
> -- 
> ---
> Harshvardhan Pandit
> PhD Researcher
> ADAPT Centre
> Trinity College Dublin
> <dpv_SEMANTiCS_lowres.png>

Received on Saturday, 14 September 2019 23:38:56 UTC