done, cf. :

Please Send Comments
This document was published by the Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) as a first public working draft. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (archives). All comments are welcome.

Specifically, the DPVCG kindly requests proposals to extend its initial taxonomies by additional terms, where these are missing or need refinements in order to describe specific use cases of personal data handling. In order to propose/approve new terms, please include the following in your email:
 • term - suggested URI/identifier
 • class/property - is the suggested term a class or a property?    
 • description - a natural language description of the term as to be included in the vocabulary to describe the term in an unambiguous manner.
 • domain/range - for properties include information about domain and range
 • superclasses/subclasses - for classes include (if applicable) information about known  sub-/ or superclasses.
 • superproperties/subproperties - for properties include (if applicable) information about known  sub-/ or superproperties.
 • related terms - include if applicable otherwise related terms from other vocabularies and explain how they are related (e.g. skos:broader/skos:narrower, rdfs:seeAlso).
 • source - mention where the new term originates from (e.g. from a legal regulation or from an existing ontology, if possible with a link confirming the reference.

The DPVCG also requests participation regarding open issues and welcomes suggestions on their resolution or mitigation. The list of open issues and their discussions to date can be found at 

Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
url:  twitter: @AxelPolleres

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2019 14:23:10 UTC