[minutes] 2018-09-04 dpvcg

See also: https://www.w3.org/2018/09/04-dpvcg-minutes


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             – DRAFT –
 Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group Teleconference

04 September 2018

   [2]Previous meeting [3]Agenda [4]IRC log

      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Aug/0039.html
      [3] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Sep/0000.html
      [4] https://www.w3.org/2018/09/04-dpvcg-irc


          Axel, Bert, Harald, Javier, Ramisa, Rigo, Sabrina,
          simonstey, Stefano





     * [5]Meeting Minutes
         1. [6]schedule, milestones
         2. [7]minutes from last time
         3. [8]ACTIONS
         4. [9]report back from Mydata, Helsinki
         5. [10]new use cases and templates
         6. [11]Next steps and strategy
         7. [12]AOB
     * [13]Summary of Action Items

Meeting Minutes

   Hi all!

   hmm, seems there was some confusion about today's telco through
   my emails.

schedule, milestones

   Axel: we definitly have a good set of vocabularies

   <Bert> Bert has changed the topic to: [14]https://lists.w3.org/

     [14] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Sep/0000.html

   Axel: use cases, we need more

   Axel: we can have more use cases, and we have to decide where
   we want to go with the requirements

   Axel: in the F2F we said we want taxonomy for purposes, GDPR
   terms... etc. I think we need use cases for these things and
   use cases covering these terms. I think we should be OK and do
   not extend requirements now

   Rigo: I would support it

   Harald: I would maybe have more requirements from thelegalt

   Harald: I can add more requirements from our internal

   Rigo: I would not do as an exercise, but take one by one use
   cases in the CG and expand it in a taxonomy

   Axel: Extending on use cases is OK, I advertised it in mydata

   Rigo: let's not do an "explaining-the-world-exercises", but
   take 1-by-1 the use cases by the community group and cover them

   Stefano: is there a collection of use cases that we can build

   Axel: mydata has a collection, AFAIK

   Axel: There is something from mydata meeting

   <Harald_ULD> Axel: More use cases encouraged. Axel proposed
   joining dpvcg at MyData, Helsinki last week.

   Action: Stefano to explore list of mydata use cases.

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-18 - Explore list of mydata use
   cases. [on Stefano Bocconi - due 2018-09-11].

   Axel will provide link to MyData use cases

minutes from last time

   no comments



     [15] https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/track/actions/open

   Bert will provide overview of SPECIAL use cases

   ACTION-10 done

   <trackbot> Closed ACTION-10.

   <trackbot> Closed ACTION-13.

   Axel: anybody active in ieee 7012? Axel willl try to reach out

   close ACTION-15

   <trackbot> Closed ACTION-15.

   close ACTION-16

   <trackbot> Closed ACTION-16.

report back from Mydata, Helsinki

   Axel: We need to discuss in order to define the scope of the
   WG. I talked of Interoperability, consent and transparency

   axel: positive feedback, nobody is working in integrating the
   efforts in this area, only us

   <Harald_ULD> Axel: No one seems to have efforts on integrateing
   the approaches except us (DPVCG-group).

   axel: they talked a lot of standards but for identity,
   authentication,... , we can keep an eye and have liasons

   Axel: some other topics: distributed identities, authentication
   standardisation, credential community group (standards for
   credential exchange)
   … They mostly focus on the protocol but not in our scope, e.g.
   data categories, we have a quite unique scope

   5) Social Activity --> Activity Streams

   4) Consent & Transparency --> DPVCG

   3) Credentials --> Credentials CG

   2) Identity--> DID, national eIDs, …

   1) Authentication? --> Oauth, DIDAuth, Webauthn

   Axel: In this categories, privacy and consent would be one
   level below


     [16] https://aic.ai.wu.ac.at/~polleres/presentations/20180830MyData2018_Interop_and_Transparency.pdf

   Axel: slides are available in the link above, feedback is

   Stefano: It

   Stefano: It's surprising nobody is doing this effort

   Axel: For web browsers there is another w3c workshop in
   California, september, but they are not aware of our efforts


     [17] https://www.w3.org/Privacy/permissions-ws-2018/cfp.html

   <Harald_ULD> Rigo: there is another workgroup re-establishing
   the android-permissions in the context of an US-understanding

   Rigo: Not surprising, the browsers are like a modern TV :)


     [18] https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/Use-Cases,_Requirements,_Vocabularies

   <Harald_ULD> Axel: a

   Harald_ULD: I oppose the US understanding of privacy/secrecy to
   the EU understanding of data protection. The latter is more
   about dossiers than about secrecy

   Axel: added more vocabularies, e.g. CDMM, ActivityStreams...

   AxelPollleres: may look into schema.org vocabs
   … consent received work by Kantara
   … data categories from schema.org to be explored

   Bert: So mydata.org is creating a foundation...

   Axel: yes, it is organized by country, but they are thinking of
   building a more formal structure.
   … the origin in Finland and they are thinking of how to
   organize and make it attractive

   Javier: Is someone from mydata joining the group?

   Axel: Probably 1 or 2, not sure if they will join the telcos,
   trying to have people from Kantara makes a lot of sense
   … I particularly talked to people with use cases and invited
   them to post the use case and join the calls


     [19] https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/OwnYourData/Data_Donation

   Axel: For example, [20]https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/
   OwnYourData/Data_Donation, by the founder of ownyourdata

     [20] https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/OwnYourData/Data_Donation,

new use cases and templates

   Axel: Already mentioned the new use cases, Ownyourdata, also
   digi.me, but it needs more details

   Action: Axel to contact digi.me again for a more detailed use
   case description

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-19 - Contact digi.me again for a more
   detailed use case description [on Axel Polleres - due

   Axel: is there anybody else planning to add more use cases?

   Harald: do we need to link use cases and requirements?
   … we can maybe add something regarding data processing by
   public entities
   … more regarding to transmission, public archives, police...
   etc. Are there legal reasons to transmit personal data?

   Action: harald proposes use case about public entities handling
   personal data

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-20 - Proposes use case about public
   entities handling personal data [on Harald Zwingelberg - due

   Axel: We have the list of requirements we should cover. How
   should we proceed? Should we vote, are we missing something...?

   thoughts on additional requirements? use cases?

   Stefano: We are still collecting use cases and this can cover
   more requirements

   Axel: Should we then wait for more use cases?

   Stefano: We need enough coverage to have relevance

   Axel: If use cases are general enough then it is not tragic

   Axel: I tried to convince people to add use cases even if they
   do not join the calls, in order to have enough coverage

   Axel: We might then try to have more use cases and try to
   expand if needed

   Sabrina: if you want to make progress, maybe organize another
   workshop with industry, maybe co-located with Big Data Value

   Axel: We might have some locals, but we are a bit tight on time

   Sabrina: One could find the people already registered/attending

   Sabrina: run a workshop on industry use cases around BDVA-Forum

   Axel: I can try to find out, but it is rather soon

   Sabrina: Maybe we can ask Big Data PPP for support
   … they already contacted Eva

   <Sabrina> [21]https://www.european-big-data-value-forum.eu/

     [21] https://www.european-big-data-value-forum.eu/


     [22] http://www.bdva.eu/

   Axel: if we agree when we can organize the meeting, then we can
   see if we can reach the companies
   … From me it could be hard, except for the 13th but companies
   will be in the meeting

   Sabrina: Maybe try via the PPP

   Rigo: Yes, this can go via Eva, she is well connected there

   Use cases for Privacy session at BDVA

   Rigo: was in Versaille last meeting, and it was a bit caotic,
   last minute

   Axel: can we put an action to Eva?

   Harald: For the vienna conference in november, Eva will be
   there potentially

   Action: Harald to talk to Eva to get in touch with BDVA about a
   session slot in the European Bid Data Value Forum.

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-21 - Talk to eva to get in touch with
   bdva about a session slot in the european bid data value forum.
   [on Harald Zwingelberg - due 2018-09-11].

   Harald: there could be a pannel session
   … I will ask Eva to ask and report to the group

   Axel: Of course we can present what we have now, but in general
   we need a slot to get to know how companies are doing with GDPR

   Sabrina: already registered but in the first two days

   Axel: I can try to join the first days

   Sabrina, Harald, Eva, planning to go to BDVA, maybe Axel,
   Javier, ...

   <Ramisa> not me

   Action: Stefano to ask around whether DECODE is willing to
   participate in BDVA-Forum

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-22 - Ask around whether decode is
   willing to participate in bdva-forum [on Stefano Bocconi - due

Next steps and strategy

   Axel: Bert and I have to talk and maybe discuss with the group
   in the next telco

   Action: Bert and Axel tallk about refining the schedule/scope
   of the group and come back with a proposal how to order the
   input collected so far

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-23 - And axel tallk about refining
   the schedule/scope of the group and come back with a proposal
   how to order the input collected so far [on Bert Bos - due


   Harald: I presented DPVCG at ARES 2018 in Hamburg last Monday
   inviting potential participants from other EU-projects to join.

   <Ramisa> thank you

   Axel: Next telco in two weeks

   thanks! talk soon!

Summary of Action Items

    1. [23]Stefano to explore list of mydata use cases.
    2. [24]Axel to contact digi.me again for a more detailed use
       case description
    3. [25]harald proposes use case about public entities handling
       personal data
    4. [26]Harald to talk to Eva to get in touch with BDVA about a
       session slot in the European Bid Data Value Forum.
    5. [27]Stefano to ask around whether DECODE is willing to
       participate in BDVA-Forum
    6. [28]Bert and Axel tallk about refining the schedule/scope
       of the group and come back with a proposal how to order the
       input collected so far

    Minutes formatted by Bert Bos's [29]scribe.perl version 2.41
    (2018/03/23 13:13:49), a reimplementation of David Booth's
    [30]scribe.perl. See [31]CVS log.

     [29] https://dev.w3.org/2002/scribe2/scribedoc.html
     [30] https://dev.w3.org/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [31] https://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe2/


   Succeeded: s/of data prtoection/privacy/

   Succeeded: s/ownmydata/ownyourdata

   Succeeded: i/Hi all/scribenick: Javier, AxelPollleres, Rigo

   Succeeded: s/they are creating/mydata.org is creating/

   Succeeded: s/AOB://

   Succeeded: s/advertise in recent (?) meeting, maybe we can have
   more people joining/presented DPVCG at ARES 2018 in Hamburg
   last Monday inviting potential participants from other
   EU-projects to join.

   Succeeded: s/presented DPVCG at ARES 2018 in Hamburg last
   Monday inviting potential participants from other EU-projects
   to join.//

   Succeeded: s/rrsaggent, draft public minutes//

   Succeeded: s/Harald: He//

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2018 16:39:01 UTC