Listing terms/concepts from vocabularies

Dear all,
Should we list the terms/concepts/relationships of interest from the 
listed vocabularies on the wiki?

We have ~16 vocabularies listed on the wiki. Although there is a section 
termed 'Relevance' in the description page, it would be of interest to 
list out the specifics in terms of concepts and relationships in the 
vocabulary that are of interest to the group.
This could also be useful to kickstart a discussion on the semantics of 
these terms and concepts.

As an example, consider 'consent', which is a term occurring or of 
relevance to several of the ontologies. However, each ontology has its 
own definition of the concept, and its own modelling regarding the 
context of consent.
For example, the terms 'consent' and 'given consent' are used similarly 
but are incompatible across ontologies.
A listing of such terms would be a good (IMHO) preliminary step in:
a) identifying terms of interest already defined by existing work
b) compare them for relevance

This would also a better (again, IMHO) discussion regarding use-cases 
and creating requirements using these terms.
E.g. terms/concepts applicable to define a particular use-cases


Harshvardhan J. Pandit
PhD Researcher
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin
GPG: D81BF4F31D31B413

Received on Monday, 10 September 2018 09:40:15 UTC