Re: Wiki page for F2F Vienna Agenda

Dear Harsh,

thank you for setting up the wiki page. :)

I've made some agenda suggestions there already.



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Am 20.11.2018 um 17:51 schrieb Harshvardhan J. Pandit:
> Dear All,
> There's now a wiki page for collaborating on the agenda for the Vienna 
> F2F at 
> The page contains a section for listing things to be discussed in the 
> meeting. I would encourage adding things that you would like to see 
> discussed, or listed on the agenda in this section. This would allow 
> us to draw up the agenda accordingly.
> There is also a page for adding notes related to the meting at 
> This is following today's call. As things are decided in the coming 
> days, we can update the wiki with the timings and the agenda.
> I would encourage everyone to indicate their attendance for the F2F 
> through the Doodle if they haven't already done so 
> (
> Today's call also discussed continuing on 4th morning. Should we have 
> some form of indication (such as a doodle) to allow people to indicate 
> if they can attend the session on 4th?
> Today's call also discussed timings for the meeting. Eva would be 
> sending an email regarding this soon.
> Note: wiki pages can have a discussion page associated with them 
> (check the discussion tab on top of the title) if such discussions 
> need to be recorded/persisted.
> Regards,
> Harsh

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 10:30:24 UTC