- From: Rhys Lewis <Rhys.Lewis@volantis.com>
- Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:27:49 +0000
- To: "Alfred.S.Gilman@IEEE.org" <Alfred.S.Gilman@IEEE.org>
- CC: "public-diselect-editors@w3.org" <public-diselect-editors@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <20070129112749507.00000003256@v-rhys3>
Hello Al, Thanks again for your comments on the DISelect Last call. In your response to the disposition of comments for Gilman-9 [1], you express puzzlement at the disposition, principally because we retained the text that describes the default behaviour of host language statements when the expr attribute is missing. The DIWG agrees that the wording in the last call document is incorrect and inappropriate. Any default behaviour for host language elements is a matter for the host language and not for the DISelect specification. This text should have been removed earlier in the document's life. It was not our intent to limit the choices made by host languages when integrating DISelect. We have removed the offending paragraph from the normative description of the expr attribute in section 4.2. Because the examples in the document depend on the default behaviour of the host language when no expr attribute is present, we have added informative text to the section in Documentation Conventions which describes the examples. This now reads: "In the examples, the default namespace, with no prefix, is used to indicate the host language <file://finch/shared/Standards/diwg/ExtensionMarkup/Documents/di-selection/2007-01-31/WD-cselection-20070131.html#def-host-language> within which the content selection markup is being used. The examples assume that the host language is XHTML Version 2 [XHTML 2] <file://finch/shared/Standards/diwg/ExtensionMarkup/Documents/di-selection/2007-01-31/WD-cselection-20070131.html#ref-xhtml2> . The examples also assume that the integration with the host language makes the assumption that where the expr attribute is not explicitly referenced, its value is assumed to be true. In other words, host language elements carrying no expr attribute are unaffected by the presence of DISelect. The same assumption applies to select elements that do not explicitly carry an expr attribute." I understand, as a result of a discussion at last week's Multigroup Meeting in Boston [2] that the change to remove the normative requirement for defaulting the value of expr would be an acceptable resolution to this issue. Perhaps you would be able to confirm that by posting to the list? Very best wishes Rhys Lewis [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-diselect-editors/2006OctDec/0004.html [2] http://www.w3.org/2007/01/MGMoverview
Received on Monday, 29 January 2007 11:29:46 UTC