- From: Al Gilman <Alfred.S.Gilman@IEEE.org>
- Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:36:23 -0500
- To: "Rhys.Lewis@volantis.com" <Rhys.Lewis@volantis.com>
- Cc: "public-diselect-editors@w3.org" <public-diselect-editors@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <p0611041dc1e5326517a4@[]>
Sounds good. I accept this disposition. Al At 11:27 AM +0000 29 01 2007, Rhys Lewis wrote: >Hello Al, > >Thanks again for your comments on the DISelect Last call. > >In your response to the disposition of comments for Gilman-9 [1], >you express puzzlement at the disposition, principally because we >retained the text that describes the default behaviour of host >language statements when the expr attribute is missing. > >The DIWG agrees that the wording in the last call document is >incorrect and inappropriate. Any default behaviour for host language >elements is a matter for the host language and not for the DISelect >specification. This text should have been removed earlier in the >document's life. It was not our intent to limit the choices made by >host languages when integrating DISelect. > >We have removed the offending paragraph from the normative >description of the expr attribute in section 4.2. > >Because the examples in the document depend on the default behaviour >of the host language when no expr attribute is present, we have >added informative text to the section in Documentation Conventions >which describes the examples. This now reads: > >"In the examples, the default namespace, with no prefix, is used to >indicate the ><file://finch/shared/Standards/diwg/ExtensionMarkup/Documents/di-selection/2007-01-31/WD-cselection-20070131.html#def-host-language>host >language within which the content selection markup is being used. >The examples assume that the host language is XHTML Version 2 ><file://finch/shared/Standards/diwg/ExtensionMarkup/Documents/di-selection/2007-01-31/WD-cselection-20070131.html#ref-xhtml2>[XHTML >2]. The examples also assume that the integration with the host >language makes the assumption that where the expr attribute is not >explicitly referenced, its value is assumed to be true. In other >words, host language elements carrying no expr attribute are >unaffected by the presence of DISelect. The same assumption applies >to select elements that do not explicitly carry an expr attribute." > >I understand, as a result of a discussion at last week's Multigroup >Meeting in Boston [2] that the change to remove the normative >requirement for defaulting the value of expr would be an acceptable >resolution to this issue. Perhaps you would be able to confirm that >by posting to the list? > >Very best wishes >Rhys Lewis > > >[1] ><http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-diselect-editors/2006OctDec/0004.html>http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-diselect-editors/2006OctDec/0004.html >[2] ><http://www.w3.org/2007/01/MGMoverview>http://www.w3.org/2007/01/MGMoverview
Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 17:36:38 UTC