Re: LC-1566 XHTML 2 Dependency in DISelect

Dear Mohamed,
Thanks you for your comments on the DISelect last call [1]. In your mail you raise a number of points. 
This particular response deals with the apparent dependency of DISelect on XHTML 2. DIWG has identified this comment as
LC-1566 XHTML 2 Dependency.
DIWG accepts this comment as indicating an editorial error in the DISelect documents.
The DIWG would like to thank you for spotting this unintended dependency. The text in the introduction is inappropriate for the current form of the specification. Discussion of the rationale for a language profile is no longer appropriate for the DISelect. It belongs in the DIAL specification [2]. It is not the intent of the DIWG to restrict the use of DISelect to any particular host language. Indeed, languages other than XHTML have expressed interest in using it. 
The material relating to the device independent profile while not actually incorrect, is potentially confusing and unnecessary and has been removed. The introduction no longer contains a section entitled "Towards a Device Independent Markup Language Profile". The first two paragraphs of that section have been removed completly in both the DISelect and the XAF documents.
I hope that you will agree that this is an appropriate change, and will indicate your acceptance by a response to this mail on this list.
Very best wishes and thanks again for spotting this error.
Rhys Lewis

Received on Monday, 29 January 2007 11:55:49 UTC