Re: CSS Pages and Pagination

On 06/08/2015 17:55, Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

> The 16 margin boxes makes it possible to replicate real-world running
> headers, which can be quite complex. Here are some samples:
> If you still disagree, I'd like to see the code you propose using for
> the challenge posted in [3].

I'm not in Saint Helena and I'm not Sir Hudson Lowe. Find another
cards player.

I agree we disagree.

> Or you can use Prince and AntennaHouse which already provide
> interoperable implementation of many features from Paged Media.

We all know they do. We're speaking of making the features so mainstream
they reach all browsers. Paged Media and GCPM have triggered 15 years of
resistance from browser vendors if you except your parent company, and
for quite good reasons in my humble opinion (but that's only my
opinion). Now you too can agree we disagree.


Received on Thursday, 6 August 2015 17:11:40 UTC