DID WG Administrivia

Hi folks,

Following up on a few items raised on our previous call.

*Work Items*

   1. DID Resolution

After our successful resolution, DID Resolution
<https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution> has been transferred from the CCG.

The chairs have asked *Markus Sabadello* to take on a chief editor role of
the work item.

   2. DID Core

The chairs have asked *Manu Sporny* to take on a chief editor role of the
work item. Manu has already taken a first pass at the open issues/PRs
<https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2024Jul/0000.html>. Big
thanks Manu!

We welcome the group to begin opening issues and participating in moving
the work items forward. Chief editors are namely responsible for
progressing the work items and coordinating work. They will work closely
with the chairs, other editors, and group members in making sure all voices
are heard and consensus is achieved.


   1. APAC

We would like to gauge interest on an Asia-Pacific friendly working group
time. There are a few ways we could facilitate both meetings, which we can
figure out if there is sufficient interest in an APAC meeting. Please let
us know if you re interested.

   2. Special Topics Calls

We anticipate spending about 80% of our regular meetings on DID Resolution.
The remaining 20% will be spend on DID Core and our other work items. Given
the larger discussions needed on the DID Method Rubric and Registry, and
needing the ability to dedicate more time for DID Core, we would like to
secure a time for a Special Topics Call. This call will be held on an
as-needed basis, with at least a week's notice before a scheduled meeting.

We would like to set up the first special topic call in the coming weeks. The
poll <https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e0X6wEye> will run until
our next meeting, please respond before then. *N.B: Please disregard the
date of the poll, we are interested in your general availability for the
given day of the week / time slot*.

   3. TPAC <https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/>

As mentioned, we have two full days booked for the group at TPAC this year.
If you are interested in presenting to the group on your
company/organization’s usage of DIDs, or have suggestions for topics for
TPAC, please leave a comment in this issue

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting on July 11th,

Gabe Cohen

Director of Open Standards

gabe@tbd.email <gcohen@tbd.email>

TBD <http://tbd.website/> | LinkedIn <https://linkedin.com/in/cohengabe> |
Twitter <https://twitter.com/decentralgabe>

Received on Monday, 1 July 2024 18:13:25 UTC