RE: [vibration] Preliminary thoughts on the vibrator spec

I think as a user in web platform it is easy for me to abandon a bad developer (poor written application) then a UA (my mobile phone). So if I don't like the developer it is their loss. 


Deepanshu Gautam
Service Standards, Huawei Software
T: +86 25 5260008 M: +86 135 85147627

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robin Berjon []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 6:47 PM
> To: Deepanshu gautam
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [vibration] Preliminary thoughts on the vibrator spec
> On Nov 23, 2011, at 10:18 , Deepanshu gautam wrote:
> > [DG] I'm not proposing to enable Vibration automatically (without
> user consent). It is just to allow Web Apps to know whether Vibrator is
> OFF and then notify UA. Which may then ask user to switch it on
> (however, that part is out-of-scope here). This will avoid UA/OS/device
> to keep monitoring if some unavailable functionality is being used and
> then notify user. The better way would be for *app* to say "Hey I want
> to use XXX would you like to switch it on" and user may decide to
> switch it on for that particular session, forever, forever for that
> particular application etc.
> I think that that's precisely what I'm not seeing consensus on (and
> personally disagree with).
> Your argument is essentially that you don't trust the UA to do the
> right thing: you want to vibrate, you don't know if you can so you try
> it, the UA can't but doesn't tell the user.
> The counter-argument is that we don't trust the developers to do the
> right thing: the developer notices that vibration is off and blocks the
> execution of the app until it is turned on.
> All this distrust is good :) It's the stuff that makes us choose the
> right checks and balances.
> Arguments in favour of leaving it up to the UA are that it's relatively
> easy to fix a small number of UAs that do it wrong and almost
> impossible to fix millions of apps. Also, putting it on the UA side
> means that control is in the user's hands and not the developer's.
> The Web platform is very different from traditional platforms in at
> least one very important way. On traditional platforms, developers are
> kings and get to do pretty much whatever it is they want, no matter
> what the user thinks. On the Web, developers are always second to users.
> If I want to use a user style sheet that overrides your design I can.
> If I want to zoom the font to a level I like I can. If you want to know
> things about me that I don't wish to tell, I simply don't tell you. If
> you want access to resources on my device, you need my permission.
> That's a feature. It requires a change in mindset on the developers'
> side - but it's a good change.
> --
> Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 15:09:01 UTC