RE: [vibration] Preliminary thoughts on the vibrator spec


Deepanshu Gautam
Service Standards, Huawei Software
T: +86 25 5260008 M: +86 135 85147627

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anssi Kostiainen []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 6:35 PM
> To: Deepanshu gautam
> Cc: Robin Berjon;
> Subject: Re: [vibration] Preliminary thoughts on the vibrator spec
> On 23.11.2011, at 11.18, ext Deepanshu gautam wrote:
> >> The proposed functionality can be used to annoy users. As a user, I
> >> want to be in control of whether my device is able to vibrate (or
> make
> >> sounds, or annoy me otherwise).
> > [DG] I'm not proposing to enable Vibration automatically (without
> user consent). It is just to allow Web Apps to know whether Vibrator is
> OFF and then notify UA. Which may then ask user to switch it on
> (however, that part is out-of-scope here).
> Ok, but I don't see a use case for such a method either.
[DG] I disagree :-)
> > This will avoid UA/OS/device to keep monitoring if some unavailable
> functionality is being used and then notify user.
> What's the exact issue? This shouldn't be too hard to implement.
[DG] It is not about hard of easy, it is about making this API more complete for our developers.
> > The better way would be for *app* to say "Hey I want to use XXX would
> you like to switch it on" and user may decide to switch it on for that
> particular session, forever, forever for that particular application
> etc.
> I think this is better handled by the *UA*. One potential
> implementation approach would be to do it similarly to the Geolocation
> API in major browsers (i.e. a non-modal infobar displayed as an
> extension of the chrome is asking the above question).
[DG] I think I have said what I could already to prove my point. It is not like I want this to be handled by App solely (it is not possible actually). I just want to make our developer (those who really want to) write good quality application enhancing user experience and try to do it as much as they can from their part and not relying on UA. I can abandon an app and choose a similar from another developer but it is difficult for me to change my UA.
> -Anssi

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 15:40:14 UTC