Re: SV: Editor questions

yes my situation is the same, Safari on Mac with local working  
directory containing draft.

For what it is worth, I never saw this problem before the latest  
round of changes.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:38 AM, ext Robin Berjon wrote:

> On Feb 11, 2010, at 14:40 , Niklas Widell wrote:
>> I had the "fetching the style sheet" problem when opening files  
>> from my local working directory on my laptop (Safari, OSX), but  
>> the problem disappeared after uploading to CVS and pulling the  
>> same file from the web. Since the uploaded file didn't have the  
>> same problem I didn't follow it up.
> Ah, that's a good clue, thanks. The script tries to do an XHR to  
> the style to inline it, and if that fails falls back to linking to  
> it. You can make the issue go away with inlineCSS: false (don't  
> forget to remove that before publication though). It shouldn't blow  
> up, but it looks like it is under Safari. I'll investigate.
> --
> Robin Berjon
>   robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Thursday, 11 February 2010 14:53:33 UTC