from April 2021 by subject

[ambient-light] Request for Ambient Light Sensor web developer feedback (#64)

[dap-charter] Compute Pressure API (#111)

[dap-charter] Contact Picker API (#97)

[dap-charter] Idle Detection API (#110)

[device-posture] Adding posture definition and clarification (#69)

[device-posture] Definition for "posture" missing (#59)

[device-posture] Move the entry point of the API to the window.navigator interface. (#71)

[device-posture] Move the posture object out of the Screen interface. (#67)

[device-posture] Rename "posture modes" to "posture types" (#64)

[device-posture] Rename word "mode" in the posture definition to "type". (#68)

[device-posture] Requesting Accessibility Considerations section (#70)

[device-posture] Switch to w3c/spec-prod to automate publication to /TR (#72)

[device-posture] update affiliation for Diego (#52)

[geolocation-api] Broken fragments (#71)

[geolocation-api] Broken link (#70)

[geolocation-api] Change text for description of GeolocationPositionError.message attribute (#50)

[geolocation-api] Explicitly limit permission lifetimes (#69)

[geolocation-api] How to specify desired accuracy / resolution of data? (#49)

[geolocation-api] Publish as FPWD (#42)

[geolocation-api] Restrict access to visible and user-activation-received frames (#48)

[geolocation-api] Restrict to user-activation-received frames (#48)

[geolocation-sensor] Support geolocation (especially geofencing) in the "background" (#22)

[proximity] Behavior of `distance` attribute when sensor cannot provide distance measurements? (#44)

[screen-wake-lock] Auto-releasing wake lock depending on the user presence (#300)

[screen-wake-lock] Need maximum screen brightness mode (#129)

[system-wake-lock] Use case: Simulations, rendering and creative coding (#7)

Closed: [device-posture] Move the posture object out of the Screen interface. (#67)

Closed: [device-posture] Rename "posture modes" to "posture types" (#64)

Closed: [geolocation-api] Change text for description of GeolocationPositionError.message attribute (#50)

Closed: [geolocation-api] Explicitly limit permission lifetimes (#69)

Closed: [geolocation-api] How to specify desired accuracy / resolution of data? (#49)

Closed: [geolocation-api] Restrict access to visible and user-activation-received frames (#48)

Closed: [screen-wake-lock] Auto-releasing wake lock depending on the user presence (#300)

Last message date: Friday, 30 April 2021 16:45:45 UTC