from October 2019 by subject

[battery] Allow use in same-origin children, add Feature Policy integration (#13)

[deviceorientation] Add API for requesting permission to receive device motion / orientation events (#57)

[deviceorientation] Move fingerprintable APIs behind permissions (#85)

[deviceorientation] Need to define the DeviceMotionEvent constructor (#83)

[sensors] [meta] Wide review tracker (#299)

[sensors] Access to magnetometer and potential security & privacy issues (#394)

[sensors] Move fingerprintable APIs behind permissions (#398)

[sensors] Remove text about non-explicit permissions (#396)

[sensors] Spec should include mandatory mitigations for privacy harms / risks (#397)

[sensors] Syntax correction for the Feature-Policy response header example (#395)

[wake-lock] Add an "if aborted" step to WakeLock.request() to deal with hidden documents (#234)

[wake-lock] Anyone implementing "system" lock? (#232)

[wake-lock] Consider not defining a custom WakeLockEvent (#238)

[wake-lock] Describe WakeLockSentinel.type (#240)

[wake-lock] Figure out what to do with workers and permission requests (#246)

[wake-lock] Fix reference to "a new promise". (#235)

[wake-lock] Hide failure to acquire a screen wake lock (#247)

[wake-lock] In obtain permission: don't co-opt resultPromise - it's creating a custom permission model (#198)

[wake-lock] Make WakeLockPermissionDescriptor.type required. (#244)

[wake-lock] Race condition in request() steps (#239)

[wake-lock] Remove WakeLockEvent and WakeLockEventInit. (#242)

[wake-lock] Rewrite user-visible API (#237)

[wake-lock] WakeLock.request() returns a promise that never resolves (#226)

[wake-lock] WakeLockPermissionDescriptor's type should be required (#233)

Closed: [sensors] Move fingerprintable APIs behind permissions (#398)

Closed: [wake-lock] Consider not defining a custom WakeLockEvent (#238)

Closed: [wake-lock] Describe WakeLockSentinel.type (#240)

Closed: [wake-lock] Race condition in request() steps (#239)

Closed: [wake-lock] WakeLock.request() returns a promise that never resolves (#226)

Closed: [wake-lock] WakeLockPermissionDescriptor's type should be required (#233)

Last message date: Thursday, 31 October 2019 17:07:54 UTC