Review of editorial changes for the last two weeks

In the last meeting we decided that the WG should spend more time 
reviewing and approving the edits that have been made by the editors. 
This serves as a safety net in case myself or Dimitris make mistakes, 
and helps us respond to questions on whether the WG has accepted certain 
changes. In this spirit, here is an overview of changes that we have 
made in the last two weeks, highlighting a few interesting bits.

To see the complete version history, visit

and scroll down up to a cut-off date, e.g. November 8. There are quite a 
large number of edits this time; we have been busy.

I could not figure out a way in GitHub to see a single view of all 
changes in this period of time -

states the diff of index.html is too large. It wouldn't be too 
informative anyway.

Notable edits:

(removal of filter shapes, introduction of sh:deactivated - note that I 
have used sh:deactivated instead of sh:disabled that was in the draft, I 
hope that's OK)

(this can be regarded as a change to the semantics of the term "shape" 
because a shape is now defined as anything that is the subject of a 
sh:targetXY triple, aligning with the rdfs:domain triples).


Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 07:27:32 UTC