shapes-ISSUE-199 (Constraint component IRIs): [Editorial] Constraint Component IRIs need to be defined before use [SHACL Spec]

shapes-ISSUE-199 (Constraint component IRIs): [Editorial] Constraint Component IRIs need to be defined before use [SHACL Spec]

Raised by: Karen Coyle
On product: SHACL Spec

The section on Core Constraint Components has a Constraint Component IRI for each constraint component. These are shown in the section on Validation reports, but not defined in the section where they appear, which could be confusing. This could be simply a matter of adding in introductory sentences of section 4: "Constraint component IRIs specific to each constraint component are used in the Validation report to identify the specific constraint that is being reported." Or something like that.

Received on Thursday, 17 November 2016 22:48:51 UTC