Re: Simplification of scopes section (see also ISSUE-148)

As I read it through, I think section 2 Intro pretty clearly says that
there are MUST be constraints and there MAY be explicit scope definition
using scopes and filters and, if a shape doesnąt explicitly define its
scope, its scope could be determined from the information available

However, the reference to later sections is somewhat vague and it may be
clearer if the following

The set of focus nodes may be defined explicitly in a shape using scopes
filters, or provided by the validation engine as defined in later sections.

Was replaced with something like:

The set of focus nodes for a shape may be defined explicitly in a shape
using scopes and
filters. It may also be determined by the validation engine from the
information provided in other shapes as described in later sections.

Possibly referring specifically to a later section. Would it be section


On 5/15/16, 6:04 PM, "Karen Coyle" <> wrote:

>"2. Shapes
>Shapes are SHACL instances of sh:Shape and define one or more
>constraints that a set of focus nodes can be validated against. The set
>of focus nodes may be defined explicitly in a shape using scopes and
>filters, or provided by the validation engine as defined in later

Received on Sunday, 15 May 2016 23:13:45 UTC