implementing today's resolution

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Here is my list of some differences between (SHACL) and (SHACL-SPARQL) and my
proposals on how to make improvements as per the resolution of today.


The Language

Top-Level Constructs: The top-level construct in SHACL-SPARQL is uniformly
the combination of a scope and a shape, with other information permissible.
Shapes are uniformly local.  Global constraints are different from shapes.
Proposal: Use the uniform SHACL-SPARQL construct.  There are naming issues
that then would need to be resolved.

Scopes: SHACL-SPARQL has more ways of providing scope (although SHACL may
have recently incorporated most of them).
Proposal:  Use SHACL-SPARQL scope mechanism.

Classes: SHACL-SPARQL does not do anything special for any SHACL construct
that is also an instance of rdfs:Class.

Recursion: SHACL permits certain kinds of recursion, but does not correctly
specify  how recursion works.  SHACL-SPARQL forbids recursion.
Proposal: Forbid recursion, waiting for a proposal on how it can be done
correctly and effectively.

Templates: SHACL has a template mechanism.
Proposal: Keep the template mechanism.

Functions: SHACL has a function mechanism.

Non-SPARQL: SHACL permits other execution mechanisms.

The Interface

Invoking SHACL: SHACL has a set of supported operations.  SHACL-SPARQL has
one call, with a control graph and a data graph.  Note: There is a proposal
for a more flexible design.

The Semantics

Access to control graph: SHACL uses access to the control graph from
constraint to define constructs.  SHACL permits access to the control graph
when determining constraint violations.
Proposal;  Define the semantics without accessing the control graph.

Extensions to SPARQL: SHACL requires certain extra functions; SHACL-SPARQL
does not.
Proposal:  Define the semantics of SHACL without using extra functions.

Mapping to SPARQL: SHACL and SHACL-SPARQL have different mappings to SPARQL,
mostly because SHACL uses the extra functions.
Approach:  If the extra functions are not used, then a mapping more like the
SHACL-SPARQL one is probably needed.

RDFS Inference:  SHACL does not use RDFS inference.  SHACL-SPARQL does.
Version: GnuPG v2


Received on Thursday, 28 May 2015 20:40:04 UTC