Re: shapes-ISSUE-18 (S35 examples): S35 needs to state what constraints are required

* Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> [2014-12-20 06:43-0800]
> There is no need for verification in OWL constraints or SPIN for the
> RDF graph under consideration to be connected.  All that OWL
> constraints and SPIN care about is what information is contained in
> the RDF graph.
> Also, neither OWL constraints nor SPIN generally start off with a
> single node.  Instead the processing of a typical constraints (in
> SPIN the combination of a class and a SPIN constraint it is
> connected to, in OWL constraints an axiom of the form class <=
> description) starts out by finding all the instances of a class and
> then checking them against the body of the constraint.  The body of
> the constraint can only act on the information in the RDF graph, of
> course, but that's what RDF is all about.
> As SPIN has the entire power of SPARQL, I think that it is possible
> to form constraints that state things like "if there is an instance
> of class X then there must be an instance of class Y in the graph".
> This particular constraint is no possible in OWL constraints,
> however.

Both of these involve a selection process and a verification
process. SPIN's selection process involves enumeration of each triple
in the graph:

* Holger Knublauch <> [2014-10-25 12:17+1000]
> …
> use owl:imports and spin:imports closure of domain graph
>     forEach triple (?class spin:constraint ?constraint)  # or sub-properties

and calculation of a (rdfs:subClassOf) type closure:

>         forEach ?type := rdfs:subClassOf* ?class
>             use domain graph only
>                 forEach ?instance of ?type

SPIN's verification process is straightforward:

>                     execute ?constraint, pre-binding ?this with ?instance
>                         -> Collect resulting constraint violations

In OWL, the selection process can type inferences from some profile of OWL:

    [ owl:unionOf (
        [ owl:onProperty my:authored ;
          owl:someValuesFrom my:Papers ] ) ] .

and some constraints to enforce:

    [ owl:onProperty foaf:givenName ;
      owl:minCardinality 1 ] ,
    [ owl:onProperty foaf:familyName ;
      owl:cardinality 1 ] ,
    [ owl:onProperty my:authored ; # can't actualy fail because of equiv class above.
      owl:minCardinality 1 ] .

There are likely to be many ways that folks may want to select terms
for verification, by no means limited to: by type (as in conventional
SPIN), query (Axel's proposal), rooted graph (one option in most ShEx
interfaces), every subject node (another option is most ShEx
interfaces). Conventional SPIN and OWL provide a couple.

> peter
> On 12/20/2014 01:34 AM, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> >
> >On Dec 19, 2014 5:01 AM, "RDF Data Shapes Working Group Issue Tracker"
> >< <>> wrote:
> > >
> > > shapes-ISSUE-18 (S35 examples): S35 needs to state what constraints are
> >required
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
> > > On product:
> > >
> > > S35
> >
> >talks about constraints over disconnected graphs.  However, it does not state
> >why disconnected graphs are different from connected graphs?  Are the
> >constraints supposed to recognize disconnected graphs?  Or are the constraints
> >just supposed to work on disconnected graphs, and what differences in
> >constraint handling are required for disconnected graphs.
> > >
> > > SPIN and OWL constraints don't care whether a graph is connected or
> >disconnected.
> >
> >I'm trying to understand this last statement. If I had an OWL CWA/UNA engine,
> >I could presumably use something like OWL API to ask if a particular node
> >conforms to some class (as a shape) definition. There's no mechanism in OWL
> >that would enable that verification process to reach any node not connected to
> >that started node. One would simply have to verify both nodes or invent some
> >sort of packaging language which would entail both verifications.
> >
> >Likewise SPIN would depends on essentially separate verification processes
> >kicked off by some mechanism to connect the starting nodes to some shapes.
> >
> >This is essentially a proposed requirement for the mechanism which triggers
> >verification/validation (regardless of whether it's used for validation or
> >description).
> >


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