Re: w3ctestlib branch a

On 07/14/2016 11:31 PM, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:
> Note, however, this causes a massive diff in the built output
> because it makes all attributes stay in source order.)

Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!! That was annoying.

>   b) Remove a bunch of unused features (given the goal of getting rid of
> the build system, we probably aren't going to ever start using them, and
> as such they're just unnecessary complexity that make it harder to
> understand the code!). Support for multiple groups in a testsuite is
> gone, as is all the code for the old reftest manifest format.

For the reftest manifest output? That was mainly built for Mozilla,
if they're not using it I guess that's okay.


Received on Friday, 15 July 2016 17:35:01 UTC