[css2.1] first-page-selectors-001 (was Re: [css-page] Issue with at-page-rule-001)

Le 2015-05-27 01:15, Toru Kawakubo a écrit :
>> 2015/05/24 11:00、Gérard Talbot <css21testsuite@gtalbot.org> のメール:
>>>> The description assumes that the cascaded value of margin-top is 
>>>> 50%.
>>> It is not perfectly clear what "exact center of this page" means.
>>> I do not believe that the cascaded value of margin-top should be 50%.
>>> I believe the cascaded value of margin-top should be 0.
> I found the same sentence
> "When printed the top left corner of this box must be in the exact
> center of this page."
> in this test case:
> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-test/blob/master/css21/page-box/first-page-selectors-001.xht



Whether the first page of a document is :left or :right depends on the 
major writing direction of the root element. For example, the first page 
of a document with a left-to-right major writing direction would be a 
:right page, and the first page of a document with a right-to-left major 
writing direction would be a :left page.
13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages

Yes. Here, in that test, the expression "exact center of this page" 
would need to indicate both the horizontal center and the vertical 
middle of the page.

> This test case has CSS
>  @page:first {
>    margin-top: 50%;
>  }
> , so the box's top left corner's vertical position is the center of
> the page's height.

Yes, the top left corner's vertical position is the center (I prefer to 
use "middle" for vertical axis) of the page's height.

One thing about the test; given the goal, purpose of the test, I do not 
see the need to use @page :first selector

> I guess the author intended to mean that margin-top should be 50% in
> at-page-rule-001 too.

Yes. I think so too. I understand your point. The wording of the 
pass-fail-conditions sentence can be confusing. Again, I think we should 
avoid the expression "exact center of this page" as it can mislead.

I have updated the Shepherd file on that test:

Toru, thank you for your excellent feedback on these tests. We are 
receptive to relevant comments on tests that have not been reviewed so 


Here's a modified (a bit simplified too) version of that test:


Notice that such modified version does not declare @page :first 

Firefox 38 fails this test: that's bug 813187

Chrome 43.0.2357.81 and Opera 12.16 pass this test. I do not know for

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Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2015 17:35:20 UTC