[css3-multicol] Review of multicol-count-large-001 and questions




The reftest suggests that the last "xx" (rightmost pair of "x"s in black
span) is going to be displayed, rendered without any clipping. So, this
is a mystery to me.

If used column-width is close to 0px (or, rather, 12em / 1000 ==
0.012em) and if inline content that overflows inside a column box should
be clipped at middle of column-gap [1] (in this test, column-gap is 0),
then the whole (or 0.988em of it) inline content should be clipped and
this for each of the first 8 column boxes (there is 8 pairs of "x"s in
the test).

So, I think the reftest is wrong. After careful reading of spec., I do
not see why the last pair of "x"s should be rendered without clipping.

So, I think Chrome 28.0.1500.71 has the correct rendering of the test
...albeit I assume I see 6 side-by-side consecutive 0.012em of red and
then 2 side-by-side consecutive 0.012em of black while using Chrome 28.

Why the reftest is assumed to be correct?

The same question would also apply to

What am I missing here?

8.1. Overflow inside multicol elements
Content in the normal flow that extends into column gaps (e.g., long
words or images) is clipped in the middle of the column gap.

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Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2013 03:18:10 UTC