Re: [css3-multicol] Review of multicol-block-clip-001

Also sprach "Gérard Talbot":

 > The test uses 7 rules and 25 declarations. After removing the unneeded
 > ones, I propose this replacement:
 > which uses 5 rules and 15 declarations.


 > One mystery for me (I spent quite some time on this) is
 >   orphans: 1;
 >   widows: 1;
 > declarations. If I unchecked 'orphans: 1' in Opera 12.16, then the
 > layout changes. I have no idea what orphans and widows declarations are
 > doing in all the multi-col tests since media, by default, is screen and
 > orphans and widows apply only to page media. *_This seems like a bug to
 > me._* 

You're right that CSS 2.1 specifies that widows/orphans only apply to
paged media.

However, it makes a lot of sense to also make widows/orphans apply in
i multicol layouts -- even in non-paged media, no? Probably, the
multicol spec should address this.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2013 23:43:35 UTC