border-001-018: updates and conversions

Hi Gérard,

I've updated the first batch of borders tests to include CSS3 spec links and convert wherever possible. Since you've been doing a lot of conversions, I wanted to have you spot-check this first batch to make sure the changes I've made are ok.

Most/all of the tests in this suite are testing the border shorthand property – not specific property values, just various permutations & syntax.  I took the liberty of changing dashed borders to double in order to easily create references. Can you confirm that's ok?  The rest of the changes I made were smaller – increased width of the border, change "blue" to "green" in some cases.  Also, the wording of the assert I changed from "two boxes" to "two concentric squares" (for example).  The latter is less ambiguous.

The tests where I only added spec links I pushed back to the approved directory:  border 001, 003, 005, 006, 008. (maybe these can be flipped back to Approved now?)

The ones I converted and changed are forked and pushed to my submitted folder: rhauck/submitted/css3-backgroundsborders:  border 002, 004, 007, 009-018.

Also, one last question:  can you clarify the proper tagging I should be doing in the subject line for other mails of the nature?  Should I be adding [RC6] to them as you do?


Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 19:02:40 UTC