Re: [css3-transitions] [css3-animations] API for testing transitions and animations

On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:42 AM, Øyvind Stenhaug wrote:
>>>> I've stripped out our vendor-specific prefixed notation in favor of  
>>>> the one
>>>> in the spec, I'm sure it won't be to difficult for other interested  
>>>> parties
>>>> to add their own prefixes with a few sed commands or what have you.
>>> For now I've added the prefixes by script in my tests, so that we can
>>> look at the results easily.  It's harder to judge the test validity
>>> without being able to run it easily in browsers.
>> This one will take a bit more time to fix... Ideally we'd handle the  
>> prefixing in the build scripts,
> Not for officially-released versions of the testsuites, I hope.

For pre-CR versions of the test suites, yes. They'll get removed as soon as the spec hits CR.

> I'd hate  
> to see prefixes gain any more legitimacy due to someone noticing that even  
> W3C's standards testsuites use them...

Which is why we don't want them in the source.

Do you have another suggestion how to test interop before prefixes get dropped?


Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 19:11:33 UTC