Requirements for (level >=3) tests

I have assumed that the guidelines at etc also apply to non-CSS2.1  
tests, even though the URLs, breadcrumbs and content tend to mention 2.1  
specifically. Whether this is true or not, I am wondering which parts are  
absolutely *required* for submitted tests. Maybe that could be stated more  

For instance, is the XHTML format mandatory for other testsuites? (It  
seems not all of them use it.) Are #help <link>s always necessary for  

Of course, if I write a new testsuite I will try to keep all of these  
guidelines in mind. However, for existing and more ad-hoc tests, and tests  
written by others, the higher the bar the harder it will be to find the  
required time to do all the work for converting and submitting.

Øyvind Stenhaug
Core Norway, Opera Software ASA

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2012 16:30:11 UTC