Re: [css3-transitions] [css3-animations] API for testing transitions and animations

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Aryeh Gregor <> wrote:
> Right.  So I'll probably start on tests for transitions and animations
> shortly.  My testing strategy will be
> * Test computed style at the start, end, and iteration events, and
> initially, and maybe also after everything should have finished.
> * Test computed style using requestAnimationFrame.
> * Test rendering using animated reftests.
> I think that should give us decent coverage, no?

setTimeout() tests also should work if you allow more tolerance for
error.  David Baron points out that a clever strategy is to use
negative transition-delays to jump to arbitrary points in the
transition so you don't have to wait -- Gecko uses this in
test_transitions_per_property.html.  Together, I think all these
approaches should give us pretty good test coverage without any
special APIs.

(There are always the usual concerns about what error bars to use,
though.  I wish the specs would actually say, instead of requiring me
to make something up.)

Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 21:55:28 UTC