Re: Format guidelines for tests (particularly HTML5)

2012/4/16 "GĂ©rard Talbot" <>:
> Why title should be more than 60 or 80 characters long anyway? Title
> text should be able to fit onto a browser titlebar. Exceeding that
> limit, text will be replaced with ellipsis. The title text should not
> replace the assert or comments in the code.
> James Hopkins had a good system. He mentioned the property name, then an
> hyphen and then a few other words like other property names.
> E.g.
> <title>CSS Test: overflow - max-width and percentage</title>
> <title>CSS Test: list-style-position - text-indent</title>

The problematic titles are things like

  <title>CSS Test (Transforms): Containing Block for Fixed Positioning
(right/bottom offsets)</title>

There are tests that 'transform' creates a containing block for
absolute positioning, and for fixed positioning.  In both cases, there
are multiple versions that use different types of offsets.  The more
tests you have, the longer the names have to get to be descriptive.

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2012 10:39:26 UTC