Wiki and Test repository access changes

I just finished merging the wiki and subversion user databases. This gives us a common login system that will also be used for future systems on the server (ie: the test management system).

Users of the wiki shouldn't notice any difference.

Those with commit access to the subversion repository may be subject to one of the following:
1) if your svn and wiki usernames and passwords are the same, you should not see any difference.
2) if your svn and wiki usernames are the same, but your passwords are different, you must now use your wiki password for svn commits
3) if your svn and wiki usernames are different, you now need to use your wiki username and password for svn commits

If you've forgotten your wiki password, or are having difficulty committing to svn, you can reset your password on the wiki:

If you had commit access to svn but didn't have a wiki account, you now have a wiki account with the same username. You may need to reset your password (see link above) to log in to the wiki.

The new process for getting commit access to svn is: sign up for a wiki account, send either fantasai or myself an email requesting access.

All CSS working group members with wiki accounts should already have svn commit access.

As always, if you need help, or something doesn't seem to be working, email me.


Received on Monday, 16 May 2011 19:27:05 UTC