Changes to the testsuite build system

I just landed a small change to the test suite build system that now  
captures subversion revision numbers of tests in the  
file. Each test is now tagged by the last revision it was committed  
under. If the test is a reftest, the revision number is the latest of  
the test or all of its references (support for other dependent files  
will be coming later).

This adds an additional dependency on the python pysvn module. If  
you're building the test suite locally, you'll need to install this  
module. It can be found here:

If you're automatically parsing, you'll need to update  
your code to support the extra field. This change also presumes you're  
running the build in a svn checkout of the test suite, not a svn export.

This change was done to support test versioning in the harness.


Received on Saturday, 29 January 2011 21:27:15 UTC