Re: CSS 2.1 test suite feedback: slicing and dicing

On 09/26/2010 11:26 PM, Simon Fraser wrote:
> The first-letter-punctuation tests are a little different, in that
> there's a separate test for each of a huge number of punctuation
> characters. I think these should be combined so that a single test can
> test 50-100 characters. The same applies to quotes-*.

For the first-letter tests, dbaron came up with a script to generate
tests for pretty much all the BMP codepoints in Unicode. However, each
test in his set is not quite as comprehensive as the ones in Microsoft's,
because Microsoft's test the character on both sides of a base character.
The generated tests are part of the first-letter-punctuation-before-* set.
(They used to be one long test, but it was too huge so I modified the
script to split it out.)

Also I suspect there are some errors wrt combining marks and zero-width
characters, which are not handled specially in the script.

The script is here:

If someone wants to fix those problems with the script and the result
is as thorough per punctuation character as the Microsoft tests, then
we can replace the Microsoft tests with these ones.


Received on Monday, 27 September 2010 08:54:36 UTC