Re: Review Report on section 8.4 (Padding property) ~= 125 testcases

> Fixed.

I missed the missing <meta> flags and missing <meta> assert in that test.

Proposed addition:

 <meta name="flags" content="should">
 <meta name="assert" content="">


>>     div { margin: 1em; color: yellow; background: navy; }
>>     .test { width: 10em; padding: 1em; padding: -5em; }
>>     .control { width: 10em; border: solid 1em navy; }
> Fixed.

Proposed furthermore compact code:

  div { background: navy; color: yellow; margin: 1em; width: 10em; }
  .test { padding: 1em; padding: -5em; }
  .control { border: solid 1em navy; }

regards, Gérard
Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 test suite (beta 3; August 15th 2010):

CSS 2.1 test suite contributors:

Received on Friday, 10 September 2010 00:45:12 UTC