- From: Gérard Talbot <css21testsuite@gtalbot.org>
- Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 18:01:16 -0700
- To: "public-css-testsuite@w3.org" <public-css-testsuite@w3.org>
> Reference to CSS3 opacity property > http://test.csswg.org/suites/css2.1/20100701/html4/floats-107.htm http://test.csswg.org/suites/css2.1/20100701/html4/floats-107.htm has other issues, IMO. 1- margin: 1.1em; and border: 0.1em green solid; are bound to create problems as 0.1 mult by 16px = 1.6px which is not rounded the same by browsers. Whenever the default font-size of 16px is used, I suggest 0.25em (== 4px) instead of 0.1em so that fractional pixel problem can be elegantly avoided by any/all browsers. 2- The testcase is wrong IMO. { Each stacking context consists of the following stacking levels (from back to front): 1. the background and borders of the element forming the stacking context. 2. the stacking contexts of descendants with negative stack levels. 3. a stacking level containing in-flow non-inline-level non-positioned descendants. 4. a stacking level for non-positioned floats and their contents. 5. a stacking level for in-flow inline-level non-positioned descendants. 6. a stacking level for positioned descendants with 'z-index: auto', and any descendant stacking contexts with 'z-index: 0'. (...) } http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#z-index The div.fill should in fact be overlapping the div.overlap . So that testcase is wrong. A non-positioned float should be beneath, under an abs. pos z-index: auto block. regards, Gérard -- Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite: http://www.gtalbot.org/BrowserBugsSection/css21testsuite/ CSS 2.1 test suite (beta 1; July 1st 2010): http://test.csswg.org/suites/css2.1/20100701/html4/toc.html CSS 2.1 test suite contributors: http://test.csswg.org/source/contributors/
Received on Sunday, 18 July 2010 01:01:52 UTC