Re: CSS2.1 i18n and bidi tests for review

On Sat, 05 Jul 2008 00:14:51 +0200, fantasai
<> wrote:

> Eira Monstad wrote:
>>  Cheers,
>>  I've been working on some bidi related tests for the 2.1 testsuite, as  
>> well as converting a few of Richard Ishida's tests for language  
>> dependent styling to match the testsuite template. The tests are ready  
>> for review at
>    - I recommend using background-color rather than color, as
>      it is much more obvious to the eye.


>    - If possible, place all the green lines together and all
>      the non-green lines separately. This makes the test easier
>      to scan.


>    - The 'lang' attribute itself is case-insensitive in HTML,
>      but afaik its value is case-sensitive. So the ES test is
>      wrong. What you can do is vary the case of the string
>      'lang' itself in both the source and the CSS.

I'll let this stay for now based on discussion in this thread.

>    - [xml:lang="foo"] is invalid CSS. The attribute name must
>      be an identifier, so you'd have to escape the ':'. The
>      xml:lang attribute is invalid in HTML, though, so I think
>      we'll need to remove this test altogether.

Fair enough.

>    - I recommend using background-color rather than color, as
>      it is much more obvious to the eye.
>    - If possible, place all the green lines together and all
>      the non-green lines separately. This makes the test easier
>      to scan.

Both fixed.

>    - If the goal here is to test case-sensitivity, as the assertion
>      indicates, you need to vary the case and make sure mismatches
>      don't match.

The case sensitivity part of the test is in the following:

	p[title="es"] { color:white;background-color:green; }
	<div title="ES">This line should NOT be green</div>

>    - The title should just say "attribute selector", not "lang
>      attribute selector" since we're actually testing 'title' here.

Whoops, fixed.

>    Comments as above.
> Since your test files include multiple tests, you might want to
> throw in some variation on quotation (",',none) and/or spacing
> in the CSS, just to cover that aspect as well.

Can do.

>    Same comments about background-color etc.. but I think we need
>    a spec clarification here before I can review the content of
>    the test. I would expect :lang to be case-insensitive because
>    the language codes are... But that's not specified in the spec,
>    so.. I guess I'll have to file an issue.

Fixed colors and grouping.

Eira Monstad

Furthermore, it is my opinion that BTS2 must be destroyed

Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2008 09:52:56 UTC